
Are you fed up of feeling rubbish?

Have you tried EVERYTHING to figure out what's wrong with your health?


Do you go round in circles looking for solutions and get nowhere?


Discover your focus health area by completing our Symptom Assessor. The results will give you a clear pathway to follow in reclaiming your health and wellbeing.


Take me to the Symptom Assessor

Who is the Symptom Assessor for?


Do you feel...

Exhaustion, Tiredness and Fatigue

You feel like you are dragging yourself around. Between work and your family you are shattered and are struggling to find the energy to do other activities.

Digestive Pain and Discomfort 

You are really fed up of feeling bloated. You have indigestion, constipation or diarrhoea. You’ve tried lots of things but are now confused about what food to eat because of conflicting information.

Weight Instability and Food Cravings

Despite trying to be careful you are putting on weight no matter which diet you try, how much exercise you do or how much you limit your calories, and that sugar craving is really persistent.

Stress, Emotional and Anxious

You just don’t feel like yourself anymore. You feel lost. Everything feels like it’s overwhelming and getting on top of you and that feeling of constant unease and uncertainty is getting you down.

What will it give me?

Regain Control

Learn how your body is not doing something 'to you'. By making simple changes you can effectively manage your symptoms.

Get Clarity

Identify where your symptoms are coming from so you finally understand what your body is trying to tell you!

Find the Right Pathway

Discover the hormonal pathway you need to focus on to start getting results and feeling better.

Save Time and Money

Save the time and money you would have invested in seeing a practitioner. This Assessor shares the insights we give all our clients on their first session.

Our clever little health quiz is designed to give you clear direction on where to focus on your health.

Developed after a decade in clinical practice and from the research in the College of Functional Wellness.

Take the Symptom Assessor

Enter your details below and receive our unique Symptom Assessor quiz and discover where best to start on your health journey.

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"Claire and Laura's work absolutely saved my life. Their expertise and incredible knowledge, especially around complex hormone issues, is the only reason I am able to feel healthy today. I will always be deeply grateful."

Rebecca Lowrie

About Claire and Laura


We are alternative health experts, emotional transformation coaches, authors and podcasters and we are DEEPLY passionate about health.

In 2008, we set up Balanced Wellness, a credible and professional alternative health clinic specialising in hormone, digestive and adrenal issues.

Our clinical experience and research led to the launch of The College Of Functional Kinesiology.

We are SO excited to bring you this incredible tool because we know it will help you.

Take the Symptom Assessor

Enter your details below and receive our unique Symptom Assessor quiz and discover where best to start on your health journey.

Symptom Assessor